2020 - see you in the funny papers...

2020 has been a literal hell year for so many people.  Our house was no different, capped with the loss of our beloved Wicket, the laziest Jack Russell Terrier that has ever existed.  Luckilly, we had adopted Nyah the fall prior, and she's turned out to be Wicket in a bigger body.

Last year, while doing the cartoon image, I had the idea - what if Hannah was a character?  "Hannah Ween, the Queen of Hallowe'en!"  But what would that make Gwen?

Enter "Gwengoolie," the Hannahween antithesis.  Svengoolie is a famous horror host that some of my family used to enjoy.  And just like her namesake, Gwengoolie is kinda the "punk rock" version of Hannahween.  Where Hannah is more ghosts and spirits, ouija boards, and Universal/Hammer movies, Gwen is more skeletons and zombies, mosh pits, and direct-to-video 80s schlock.

Her first true appearance happened in May (without fanfare) in the Hannahween Half-a-ween-Quarantine special image in May, based on Greg Hildebrandt's painting "Revenge," based on Edgar Allan Poe's story "The Cask of Amontillado."


Here's to hoping 2021 fares better for everyone but the incredibly rich that make record profits during the pandemic...


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