2021 - Revisiting my childhood to get motivated and introducing a new character!

Remember 2020?  Remember being in your basement praying for... anything else to happen?  Well, 2021 wasn't much better and it still isn't for some of us.  So I decided to revisit two of my favourite films.  First, the 'official' Hannahween picture, remaking the poster for "The Private Eyes," a hilarious 1980 film starring Tim Conway and Don Knotts.  Be warned, like any movie from that time written by guys who had been at the top of their games 20 years prior, there are some questionable things in it, ie. racism/sexism, etc, but it's still a lot of fun.

Also, one of Ms. Ween's friends had seen the Ghostbusters poster hanging in her room, and asked to be included.  So we introduce...


CANDYGIRL!!  Okay, honestly, I did the second image for her, it's a play on one of the dvd cover images of Candyman showing his bee-eaten chest and a honeycomb in the back.  I did the first image for me to see how closely I could copy the 2021 poster image.  

And finally, I did an image to hang on Ms. Ghoolie's wall, and celebrate her love of Five Nights at Freddie's.  The Bonnie Bunny costume is built by the girls' cousin Olivia, and inside the costume...  GWEN HERSELF!      She's in the image twice BY THE MAGIC OF COMPUTERS!!